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The palms in Madagascar

The Plant life in Madagascar is as varied and diverse as in hardly any other place on this earth. Unfortunately, large parts of the Flora and fauna on the island threatened as habitats on the island become increasingly scarce. Also, the many of the more than 170 different Madagascar palm species are nowadays only in partial stocks. In some cases, there are only very few specimens of a species left, which is mainly due to the fact that some palms take a very long time to reach their flowering stage and release seeds. Due to clearing for agriculture and illegal overexploitation in the rainforests, many of the Palms on

Madagascar exposed to an acute danger. This is particularly true due to the fact that more than 160 of the various Madagascar palm species are endemic. Endemic means that these palms do not exist in any other country in the world. Should one of these endemic species become extinct, it would be irretrievably lost for this planet. For this very reason, the topics Nature and environmental protection in Madagascar particularly important at the moment. If you have a Trip to Madagascar plan, you should make sure that your fees in National parks and nature reserves active to the Protection of flora and fauna contribute. To show you the spectacular Flora of Madagascar we have put together various nature tours with a focus on different areas. You can also see the extraordinary palm trees on Madagascar on these guided tours get to see. Contact us for this quite uncomplicated. In order to give you a first impression of the versatility of the palms on Madagascar, the following information has been compiled. It also shows that Madagascar's palm trees are not only important for the local ecosystem, but that the people also benefit from the palm trees in many areas.

The different species of palm trees and their use

In the introduction it was already described that on Madagascar more than 170 different species of palm trees are at home. Of course, these cannot all be presented individually in the following. Instead, the focus is on the most important or most unusual species found in the island state, with attention always being paid to the functions that the species in question may have for the Population in Madagascar brings with it.

The raffia or bamboo palm

The Raphia is a palm species that is actually native to many areas of Africa. In Madagascar, only one subspecies of this palm can be found, but it is all the more famous and appreciated for it. The Raphia or also Raffia Palm can form leaves up to 25 meters long and is considered a Tree with the longest leaves in the entire plant kingdom. This plant blooms only once in its life and produces fruits and seeds. The raffia palm is used in many areas of human Life in Madagascar indispensable. The so-called leaflets of the palm tree are used to produce fibers, which are then woven into baskets or ropes. These fibers are also known in Germany under the name of Bast A large part of these weaving materials is also exported to Germany and thus represents an industry not to be despised. In addition, various components of the raffia are used for the Furniture or house construction used. However, precisely because the palm tree is so appreciated and popular, it is not uncommon for it to be cut down.

The coconut palm

Admittedly, the Coconut Palm is nowadays for many people no longer a specialty, it grows in many different places on this earth. For the People in Madagascar however, it has a special significance, as it Food and building material equally supplies. Most of the plant species native to Madagascar belong to the coconut palm genus. The Coconuts, the Palm hearts and also the Coconut fibers are of great importance for the Malagasy. The coconut fibers are used to make fibers for the production of ropes or mats. The coconuts and the palm hearts, on the other hand, are consumed. If it were only a matter of these aspects alone, there would certainly be little wrong with the use of the coconut palms. Nowadays, however, huge plantations are brought into being, where the coconut palms are cultivated on a grand scale and then utilized. For the Ecosystem in Madagascar this development is not necessarily beneficial, as in some cases other plant species have to make way for these plantations.

The Tahina Palm

The Tahina palm (Tahina spectabilis) is a very spectacular palm species native to Madagascar and is highly endangered. The Tahina palm was only discovered and systematically described by researchers a few years ago. This palm species, due to its very special growing conditions, is strongly threatened with extinction and absolutely requires special protection. The Tahina palm grows up to 20 meters high and blooms only once in its life and then produces beautiful flowers and fruits. The catch is that the Tahina palm is only to bloom after a good 100 years begins and that it dies almost immediately after flowering. Researchers believe that there are only about 30 specimens of this type of palm left to admire in the northwest of the island. Due to its special characteristics, this palm is also known as the Suicide Palm become famous.

The tree of travelers

The so-called Travelers treewhose botanical name is Ravinala madagascariensis is actually not a palm tree, but its exterior strongly resembles one. The tree of the travelers is for the Malagasy culture very important and is also considered, among other things Coat of arms tree of the country. The plant can grow up to 15 meters high and has a palm-like trunk. The leaves of the plant can grow up to three meters long and stand erect like a fan close together. Since the stem bases stand together in layers, rainwater can collect in these areas. Even if this water is not recommended for consumption, because the water is usually polluted and there are smaller reptiles or insects, the legend says that this water is already Saved the lives of many travelers have. Accordingly, the name of this tree can be explained. But the tree of travelers is also valued for its lush leaves, which serve as building material just like the hollowed trunks.
Many plants native to Madagascar are unique. This includes the many species of palm trees that are native here. Due to the Destruction of the original vegetation man on this island is acutely and sustainably interfering with the ecosystem there, which is now facing various threats. Various species such as the Tahina palm are therefore acutely threatened to disappear forever from this planet. With our various Nature and individual travel you will get a unique chance to contribute to the preservation of this biodiversity and to enjoy unique sights that you won't find anywhere else in the world. You would like to visit your next Vacation with pleasure in Madagascar spend? - The best thing to do is to contact us right away.

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After 10 months of total inactivity, self-employed people in the tourism industry in Madagascar are completely without income. There is no opening of the borders in sight in Madagascar and we are at the beginning of the rainy season, which is the low season, even in normal times. I have started a fundraiser for the guides and drivers I know well. From this money we will buy rice and other essentials and distribute them regularly, if possible, until the resumption of travel activities in April 2021 at the earliest. My special thanks to those who have already donated. I will start buying rice tomorrow and will begin distributing it this week.
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I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

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