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Tourism in Madagascar

The Tourism in Madagascar is still in its infancy, so to speak, and is currently developing very slowly. After a few good years with rising tourist numbers, the country suffered a severe setback in 2009 due to the political upheavals. Currently around 20 percent of the population in Madagascar employed in the tourism sector. For the country, which is very poor in itself and relies primarily on the Agriculture as an important source of income this is a considerable proportion. If it is up to the government and also the population, the Tourism in Madagascar be significantly expanded in the future.

Tourism in Madagascar could become a hope for a sustainable source of income. Travel options offer an incredible variety of different landscapes and vacation opportunities. Little of this is currently accessible to guests wishing to visit this fascinating country. This is due in part to the paucity of options in terms of paved road networks, vast distances, and expensive and few international air connections. Since the early 1980s, developing countries, which is equally true for Madagascar, with a clear dominance of French travelers, have increased their participation in international tourism. It is undeniable that tourism offers new prospects for development and job creation in poor regions and structurally weak countries. In some forms, tourism can be an important center of growth for many developing countries.

The distance from Europe and the local infrastructures are not suitable to develop mass tourism as on some other tropical islands. The only possibility in the sense mentioned is Nosy Be, where there are luxury facilities and an airport for international flights. Therefore, it seems necessary to introduce and try other forms of tourism that least affect the social and economic system of the host country.

Traveling a country and discovering other cultures promotes the participation of local people in the different phases of the tourism project. This generates a more equitable distribution of resources. 2008 was considered a very good year in terms of tourism. There were almost 300,000 tourists in Madagascar at that time, according to official statistics. However, a year later came the political crisis, which had devastating consequences on the development of this industry. In concrete terms, this means that there were far fewer visitors to the world's fourth-largest island before and after the crisis than to the comparatively "tiny" neighboring island of Mauritius. Many conservation groups and projects also assume that the various tasks that need to be tackled in these areas would be much easier to implement if more money flowed into Madagascar's coffers due to increasing tourist numbers. The following overview should serve to give an impression of the tourist particularities that make up Madagascar. It will also highlight the various problems that have prevented and continue to affect the flourishing development of the tourism industry in Madagascar in recent years.

The vast distances

Madagascar measures a Area of more than 550,000 square kilometers and is therefore the fourth largest island in the world. Many parts of the island have not yet been developed from a traffic point of view. Asphalted roads or roads passable by car are therefore a rarity. This is a real problem, especially due to the large distances involved. Weather-related influences also play an important role: After heavy rainfall, the few Roads sometimes no longer passable and it can happen that tourists get stuck in one place. Comprehensive travel planning, best done by experienced local people, can provide relief in this case. With our Nature and discovery tours we therefore take a lot of care. We match the classic rainy seasons and always also have a Alternative plan in your pocket should unforeseen events occur. Our site offers you numerous ways to find out about our travel packages. If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you and the Planning and the logistics are always adapted by us personally to the wishes & expectations of our guests.

The inconvenient accessibility

Due to the colonization of Madagascar by the French, the island has developed a strong Focus on French tourists educated. For a long time, the French were the only ones to have Madagascar on a Trip visited. In the meantime, this has changed a little, because also German tourists come more and more often to the Red Island. Nevertheless, it can be understood as a clear shortcoming that direct Flight connections from Germany to Madagascar are still a desired destination. So far, there are primarily flight connections from Europe that start in France. This can be seen as another reason why many vacationers interested in principle prefer other island states or islands as a destination. More on the topic of flights and flight connections from Europe to Madagascar can be found under this LINK.

No luxury vacation in Madagascar

Many people, who, for example, have to move to the neighboring Mauritius island travel, long for a Luxury vacation in a class of its ownMiles of sandy beaches, all-inclusive travel packages and many other attractions await tourists there. On Madagascar it looks a little different: Luxury hotels and the like are by no means to be found on every corner there, and anyone traveling to Madagascar, rather seeks the adventure than the wellness and relaxation vacation. Many individual touristswho travel in small groups like to come to Madagascar. A mass tourism had never developed in Madagascar and therefore there are here still the possibilities the various Explore national parks and nature reserves individually and to live the multitude of unique experiences. Those traveling to Madagascar must be able to do without luxury and be flexible. Many accommodations are not exactly luxurious and Often do not necessarily meet European standards. The local conditions, which can change from region to region, must be accepted and there it can also happen that suddenly quite unexpectedly it simply does not go on as it was actually planned. Accordingly, Madagascar is not yet ready for the so-called mass tourism and package deals. Only on the Nosy Be Island were a few luxurious hotel complexes built. The island also attracts with its breathtaking sandy beaches, is Tourists in Madagascar but visited only temporarily for a brief respite. After all, Madagascar offers such a rich flora and faunathat all nature lovers will not be able to stop marveling.

Future prospects for tourism in Madagascar

The Tourism in Madagascar should be expanded more in the future, or the offering should become more widely known. In Germany in particular, many people have already heard of the extraordinary island of Madagascar heard, but no appealing travel offers can be found. For the people on the island would be a Expansion of tourism very important, however, as it could lift large parts of the population out of poverty. In addition, larger sums could be invested in the Nature Conservation in Madagascar invested. Numerous advertising measures in Germany, but also in the Netherlands, in Austria or in Switzerland are aimed at attracting tourists from these countries to Madagascar. However, in order for these developments to have an actual existence, it is important that a lot of money is invested in Madagascar itself. We have made it our mission to help people from Germany the Beauties of this impressive island close to you. With our different travel packages we address different interests in potential tourists. From culture to history to nature - many things are possible and we will be happy to discuss with you your ideas of what you want from a Madagascar vacation to speak.


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Appeal for donations



After 10 months of total inactivity, self-employed people in the tourism industry in Madagascar are completely without income. There is no opening of the borders in sight in Madagascar and we are at the beginning of the rainy season, which is the low season, even in normal times. I have started a fundraiser for the guides and drivers I know well. From this money we will buy rice and other essentials and distribute them regularly, if possible, until the resumption of travel activities in April 2021 at the earliest. My special thanks to those who have already donated. I will start buying rice tomorrow and will begin distributing it this week.
[wpedon id=14828]
Or by bank transfer directly to my account to Klaus Konnerth
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE66430609674101878400
Keyword: Donation Madagascar

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I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

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I guarantee you that all donations to 100% will reach the people. Kind regards Klaus

[wpedon id=14828]


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